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Friday, January 31, 2014

The coolest frigging industrial desk EVER!!! $499

Okay those of you how know me ...if you have come into my store can  attest ...I am the worlds worst at keeping a clean desk ! If I can try and  explain , my mind  is  ALWAYS thinking about  the next room , colors, fabric , from  vintage Bingo cards , too  the industrial cart   , or wait I found some new.. old ...fantastic art that is inspiring a new color palate  ....and thus welcome to my world ! It  is strung over 3,600 square feet of store,   2 messy  storage rooms ,numerous  buckets of paint , 5 children and....  two dogs ! I've  have one foot  in the Mesa "suburb's " (my former life ) but found " MY  people...people who think like me  !  Some well educated ..some not  But , all who embrace being somewhat different they are comfortable in there own skin! No longer are trying to impress the neighbor next door ! Okay ...I'll admit Ryan is one hell of a neighbor ...but hey even he would have to admit I do my job well for all the " Bohemian "    The "Melrose " is a quirky bunch ,  highly creative , all very opinionated ,some very  competitive (I'm not ,too much the hippy chic ! there's enough for everyone !)  This fun Artistic community district  in central Phoenix.. We love Junk yards , a good yard sale'll see a different side of these people at an auction ! We love color , patterns , textures , style .... we look at a castoff and see beauty !  I love I love the people  !
 SOOO let me get back to my desk ...I found this desk in a junk yard should have seen the guy when I was determined to fit it in my Honda Odyssey van"You really want that old desk ?!" he said in broken English as  I asked him to help me load it into my van already testing my strength on one end,  YES!!! I could already see the wheels on it !! The line and color so RETRO so Me !
 So I opened my store with this desk ....I Love it ... It has had old post cards , a lamp I need to price to a stack of phone messages needing my  attention ! My mother and children  upon there visits would get upset they tried to organize and straighten if I  had not been  taught  well !Employee's would try to keep up as I whisked  from room to room hanging pictures ,placing the hammer ,nails between customers  always  putting the final touches on my next client's bedroom , nursery , dining room...I don't understand why they cared about my desk and it's mess but never saw all my happy customer's leave with my current creation !
 So  I 've decided to part with "THE COOLEST FRIGGIN INDUSTRIAL DESK !"  I don't want all the clean desk people to get the wrong idea about me or my store "Ms. Funky Junk " LOL !  I've cleaned it off and pray that whoever get's it loves it half as much as I did .... and all my creative energy  all the great ideas that this FRIGGIN cool desk inspired  in that Junk yard  will find another creative mind as eager as mine to use it !

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